Every good and perfect gift is from above.
~James 1:17

Sunday, February 18, 2007

February 2007

Cold and snowy days

Science experiments

Valentine's Day


Lisa Stucky said...

Great pics. We're still enduring cold and snowy and/ or rainy days too. Oh for spring! =)

Anonymous said...

Hi--just read current events. Boy, guess you all had a bad time with the flu. Alzheimer grandma forgot Katie's birthday. Looked at the calendar you sent---I just love it!!And saw Katie's birthday marked. What I ditz I am becoming. Love, Mom

jen said...

It looks like you all got a lot of snow recently! Katie's jacket looks like it matches her doll's :)

Vacation was good, almost family time overload, but good. It makes it so hard to go back to work here.