Twenty-two years ago I joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ to work with their high school ministry, Student Venture. My first assignment with Student Venture was in San Diego, California, where I met a high school sophomore named Michelle, who was in a Bible Study that I led. Michelle was in that study all through high school and we had lots of deep conversations and great experiences, like a mission trip to Mexico City, together. Michelle graduated and headed off to college and I was transferred to Boulder, Colorado. It was in Boulder that I met and married Dave.
Several years later, Michelle married Greg, a wonderful guy who just happens to be from Boulder! Together they have three adorable kiddos and they have been serving overseas as missionaries for the past seven years. Last week they were in town for a conference and we had the pleasure of having them stay with us. The kids all played together, the men talked and Michelle and I talked and talked. We stayed up until 2:30am two nights and until 4:00am the last night, and we STILL could have talked for hours more! I don't know how she managed to make it through her conference on so little sleep, and I definitely learned that I cannot stay up all night and still function the next day! But, it was so fun to catch up. :-)

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