Every good and perfect gift is from above.
~James 1:17

Friday, May 23, 2008

Time is Flying

Since I have been too busy to blog much, I thought this meme from Donna's blog would be a quick, easy and fun post today. If you do the meme, too, please leave your answers here so I can see them!:-)
Two-Word Meme

1. Where is your cell phone? On table
2. Where is your significant other? At work
3. Your hair? Straight, flat
4. Your mother? Animal lover
5. Your father? Social, laughing
6. Your favorite thing? Family times
7. Your dream last night? Crying, Chapmans
8. Your favorite drink? Coffee
9. Your dream/goal? Glorify God
11. Your hobby? Reading, dreaming
12. Your fear? Dishonor God
13. Where you want to be in 6 years? Paris vacation
14. Where were you last night? Soccer game
15. What you're not? In control
16. Muffins? Not really
17. One of your wish list items? Digital SLR Camera
18. Where you grew up? Des Moines
20. What are you wearing? Jeans, t-shirt
21. Your TV? Not often
22. Your pets? None now
23. Your computer? Dell laptop
24. Your life? Blessed, surprises
25. Your mood? Happy, expectant
26. Missing someone? Loved ones
27. Your car?
Villager minivan
28. Something you're not wearing? Smaller sizes :-(

29. Favorite store? Pottery Barn
30. Your summer? Kid’s activities
31. Like someone? Most everyone
32. Your favorite color? Currently cranberry
33. When is the last time you laughed? This morning
34. Last time you cried? Wednesday, homegoing


pve design said...

Nice tag -
Take the challenge for 29 gifts with me!

jen said...

i did it too!