Every good and perfect gift is from above.
~James 1:17

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Tea Parties Are Fun!

Katie and I were invited to a tea party yesterday. While the grown up ladies enjoyed tea and scones, the little girls had tea and treats at their own table. I couldn't resist turning around and taking pictures of the little girls ~ they looked so cute in their dresses, having "grown up" conversation over tea. :-)

Katie and Gabrielle discuss important issues over cups of tea. :-)

Anne, Ellie, Kate and Gabrielle ~ full of tea!


Anonymous said...

Hi---the tea party must have been really cute with the girls. Glad you got pictures. When does school start for you. I will try and call you on Sunday. If you are not home, I will try again. Love, Mom

Donna Boucher said...

Adorable girls in pretty dresses!