Every good and perfect gift is from above.
~James 1:17

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Sunny smile is back!

Katie is sick. :-( She got the sniffles and it blossomed into wheezing and asthma troubles. Sometimes she gets a cold and gets over it in a few days and other times it gets worse and brings on the asthma symptoms.

We started nebbing her last night ~ hoping to get a good start on it ~ but she kept needing nebs every hour all night. I thought it would start to get better today, but finally called the doctor and was able to get her started on prednisone this afternoon. We'll see the doctor in the morning.

Now she is breathing easier and tonight she smiled and even laughed. Her eyes twinkled again. It was SUCH A RELIEF. I think she's on the mend. :-)

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