Every good and perfect gift is from above.
~James 1:17

Thursday, April 24, 2008


We've been busy and I haven't gotten around to posting much, but here are a couple of shots of the kids before they went to "Crazy Hair Night" at AWANA the other night. We shaved Grant's hair in a zig-zag fashion because we were planning on shaving it off the next day anyway. He won a candy bar for having such crazy hair that night! :-) (He won't let me post a picture of the back, for some reason, but it had a zig-zag path straight down the back.)

Monday, April 07, 2008

Happy Birthday, Grant!

Here is Grant with one of the things he most wanted for his birthday ~ electronic Star Wars Battleship game!

Wow, Grant is 10! How did that happen?? The adorable little baby who made me a mommy is now a young man of ten. Dave and I are so thankful for Grant. We are so glad that God let us be his parents.

Grant is passionate about life and approaches each experience with gusto. We are never at a loss for what he is thinking or feeling because he talks constantly. :-) His feelings are full-tilt, whether he is happy, sad or angry. He is never just middle-of-the-road about anything. Grant is full of enthusiasm, he is compassionate and he is really good with little children. Somehow he is able to hold back a little and be gentle with them. He is smart, capable and funny. Dave and I marvel at the possibilities ahead for him as he learns to focus all that energy in productive ways. :-)

Happy birthday, Grant! You certainly make our lives exciting and we are so glad you are our son!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

A boy and his bear...

Grant decided that he wanted to go to the mall with me a few days before his birthday, just like his sister had before her birthday. His Build-A-Bear needed a new sound box, so we had to bring it with us, too. Grant wanted to walk around with the bear in his backpack the way that his virtual self does on the Build-A-Bearville website.
We had a great time together. It was so good to just spend time with my son and to enjoy his company. Grant is so smart, articulate and confident. He shared a lot of things with me that had been on his mind and I was impressed with his perspective on many things. He is making wise decisions. Grant is a bundle of energy, always running to the next thing that catches his attention, and he is quite a good dancer, too. :-) (He is not shy about dancing wherever and whenever the mood strikes him!)

I know this time is precious and fleeting. How much longer will he want to walk around the mall with his mom, and bring along his teddy bear? I see glimpses of the young man he is becoming and it makes me proud. It won't be long. I hope our conversations will continue as he grows. I sure do love him!