Thursday, December 25, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Dave has been taking Grant to practices twice a week up at the high school. Today he helped out at the tournament. There were around 400 people who came from all over to wrestle in this tournament!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas Tour of Homes 2008
This is the first year I have joined the Christmas Tour of Homes that Boo Mama is hosting. It looked like a lot of fun last year, so I decided to try it! So,thanks to Boo Mama for hosting and to you for dropping by! :-)
Welcome to my home!
And it usually IS cold outside!

Here is our dining room~

Some ornaments~

On the buffet~

Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
Getting Our Christmas Tree
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thanks, Mom!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Tea Time

Along with plenty of giggles, they enjoyed tea and scones with whipped cream and jam.
When you are eight, you can only act like a young lady for so long...

Election 2008
But, it pains me that I could not vote for the first African-American president of our country. I could not vote for him because of his unwillingness to protect innocent lives. I believe that life is precious; even the life of a baby still growing inside their mother's womb.
So, I feel a mix of incredible sadness and great elation at the outcome of this election. Now that Barack Obama has been elected, I want him to be a great president. I hope he is successful. I will pray that he will make good decisions for our country and be a great leader. I will also pray that he will become a champion of every American-even those yet to be born.
Football Game!
The guys had a great time together watching the game, eating snacks and getting some autographs. And to top it all off, their team won the game! Here are some pics from their fun day.

About This Blog
This blog is mostly a scrapbook of our lives, so my kids can look back someday at some of the daily and special things we did while they were growing up. (In fact, I plan to get the blog printed into book form for them at some point.) In an effort to keep up with our busy days, I usually just post the pictures with a brief description of what we were doing and leave it at that. Occasionally I have shared more in depth about things close to my heart and it is fun to interact with others I have met in blogland, but I just don't have the time to post lengthy daily reflections about life most days.
So, if you happen to stop by, you are welcome here and I hope you will leave a comment to say hello! And I would love to go to your blog as well, whether it is a newsy place, a spot for deep reflections, or just a simple family scapbook. Happy blogging!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Halloween '08
We also heard that Chipotle restaurants will give free burritos to anyone dressed in tin foil on Halloween night, so of course we had to check it out! When we got there, we saw a long line of people wearing tin foil hats, belts and other creations, waiting for their free burritos. So, we joined the line and started twisting and crimping foil into headbands, bracelets, hats and belts. And, yes, we all got free burritos! We took the burritos home and will enjoy them for dinner tonight. That was a fun way to end the evening, and how can you say no to a free meal? ;-)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Science Class
The days are flying by ~ I can't believe it is already the middle of October! The kids and I have been enjoying our school days together. Today we did a couple of the experiments in the Sonlight science curriculum we are using this year. The kids loved it! I like this format, too. We watch a DVD and then do the experiment. All the supplies are in the kit. Science is not my strong suit, so having it all laid out like that makes it enjoyable for me, too.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Saturday Night At The Movies
We watched the first half of the movie, "Fiddler On The Roof" Saturday night and now we are all walking around singing, "If I Were A Rich Man." Grant tries to dance like Tevya in the movie when he sings it, which is quite amusing. :-) I haven't seen this movie for a long time and had forgotten how good it is! (Well, except for the dream sequence, which would have been a little too scary for the kids, but we fast-forwarded through that.) We are planning on watching the second half next Saturday.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Game Time
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
School Started!
Kate is in 3rd grade now. Third grade! How did that happen? I remember third grade so well and am trying to see things through her eyes and imagine how she feels about things that happen in her life and with her circle of friends.
Grant is in 4th grade this year. That sounds so grown up to me and I can't believe he is old enough to be in that grade already. His work load has increased since third grade and he is having some trouble adjusting to that, but it is mostly his attitude that is making it difficult for him. He is a good student when he wants to be.
We had a great first day and we are looking forward to a great school year! :-)
Our Curriculum
Reading, writing, phonics, spelling
Writing Road To Reading (Reading Works)
Abeka readers and library books
Language, grammar
Writing Road To Reading, Abeka language workbooks
Cursive practice
Abeka cursive workbook, daily writing assignments
Math-U-See (Kate-Gamma, Grant-Delta)
The Story Of The World, Vol.4: The Modern Age (Book and Activity Book)
Plant Life (Books: Green Thumbs: A Kid’s Activity Guide to Indoor and Outdoor Gardening, Usborne Flower Sticker Book, Midwest Book Of Wildflowers)
Batteries, Your Body, Weather (Sonlight Discover & Do DVD and Usborne Book Of Science Activities, vol.3)
Painting, Drawing (How Great Thou Art curriculum)
Co~op Art Class
Color The Classics (Godly Composers & Christmas Classics)
Piano Lessons
Co~op Music Class
Tackle football (Local Recreational City League) (Grant)
Co~op P.E. Class
Playing outside with friends :-)
Saturday, August 30, 2008
State Fair
We spent a lot of time looking at the animals and even watched 4H people show their goats. We thought the kids might get tired of it, but they were so intrigued with the whole thing. There is a building called, "The Miracle of Birth," where pregnant sheep or cows actually give birth right where you can watch, if you happen to be in there at the right time. We waited forever for a cow to give birth and finally pulled the kids away, but they did not want to go. They were just sitting there watching this cow walk around the pen. It would have been exciting to see the birth, but it could have been hours until that happened. We did get to see chicks hatching, which was exciting, too.
By evening we headed to the midway, where all the rides were lit up. The kids had ridden a few
So, we had a good time and yes, we ate way too much, but isn't that part of the fair experience? :-)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Another Day at the Lake
We are trying to enjoy every last bit of summer before it ends and the school year begins, so we hit the lake again recently. This is such a quick and easy way to feel like you are on vacation. We usually get to the lake in the morning and and grab a spot along the beach with a grill. We grill burgers and hotdogs for lunch and dinner and hang out at the beach all day. It is so relaxing. Dave and I have had the chance to have some great conversations and the kids are happy campers because they can play in the water all day. So, it is becoming a favorite way for our family to spend a hot summer day! :-)