The computer is gone. Well, for a little while, anyway. We are in the process of getting a new one, but I will not be able to post updates and pictures very often until we get it. It seems like I hardly have time for that lately, anyway. The weeks just keep whizzing by while we go about our regular activities. How can it be the end of October already??
The kids and I are enjoying our school days. Both of them are improving so much at reading, which has been very exciting for
me! :-) Last week we took a walk on a sunny day and then Grant and Katie sat and sketched drawings of things that were of interest to them. They really got into it! And, we recently went on a field trip to a local farm, where the kids learned about various animals raised there and got to go on a hay ride.
Tonight our family attended a Harvest Party at the home of a family who lives out in the country. There were games and prizes, another hayride and crockpots full of delicious chili. The whole thing was put on by generous people who use what God has blessed them with to bless others. Many of the children invited to this party live in the inner city and have never been to the countryside before. What a wonderful experience this was for them, and for us, also.
So, those are a few of the things we have been up to lately. We are enjoying being outside on these beautiful fall days before they are all gone! :-)