Every good and perfect gift is from above.
~James 1:17

Friday, March 30, 2007


Today is my birthday. :-) My husband is giving me some time to myself today while he watches the kids. I will probably go shopping and then to Barnes & Noble to read and enjoy a cup of coffee. Later, Dave is going to grill steak for dinner and we will watch a movie.

A nice, low-key, relaxing day. Sounds perfect. :-)

The kids made paper flowers and cards for me and showered me with hugs and kisses. What could be better than that?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

On the Road

Watching movies on the computer.

Playing "Red Light, Green Light" at a rest area.

The Snowstorm

We had a huge snowstorm, resulting in about two feet of snow, before we left for Colorado. This is Dave snow~blowing the driveway. The kids had a blast playing in all that snow. Now it is all gone!

We're Back

We miss seeing this view every day!

We got back from Colorado a few days ago. We drove out there for Dave's Mom's funeral. Both of Dave's parents are gone now. They died within a year of each other. Tomorrow is the anniversary of Dave's Dad's death last year. This is a difficult time for Dave, of course, while he processes all that has happened in his family in a year.

While we were in Colorado we enjoyed being with family again. And, Colorado still feels like home to us, even though we have not lived there for over ten years! Ahh...the mountains are beautiful!

We tried to make the trip fun for the kids as it is a long drive for little ones. They did great in the car and enjoyed watching movies on daddy's laptop. We also made sure to stay in a hotel with a pool on the way out there and back so the kids could swim. We played quite a few rounds of Marco Polo, as well as tag and other chasing games, too.

We had great driving weather and while we were in Colorado, the temperature reached almost 80! When we got back home, all the snow had melted ~ there was about two feet of snow when we left! But, we are glad for the warmer days and we hope the snow is gone for good!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Christ in You, the Hope of Glory

Dave's mom went home to be with the Lord on Tuesday. She died in her sleep early in the morning. She knew and loved Jesus, so we have the peace and comfort of knowing that she is with Him now and that we will see her again some day. We have gathered with Dave's siblings and their families to celebrate their mom's life. There is a lot of joy because Jo Ann was a fun-loving person. Although she is dearly missed, this is really a time of celebration, because of the life she lived and the confidence we have that she is now with the Lord.

God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Colossians 1:27