Every good and perfect gift is from above.
~James 1:17

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Today is Katie's "Gotcha Day!" Seven years ago , we brought our baby girl home. We were so excited, so thankful, so happy to finally be holding her in our arms. She was, and is, a delight.

Although she is shy, she is definitely not quiet~having one of the loudest, ear-piercing, glass-shattering screams possible and using it often. Katie can hold her own with her brother, but she also loves playing house, baby dolls, dress-up, crafts and pink everything. She can organize like a pro, likes to help me cook and is a great help around the house. Katie is so much fun and when she laughs, she throws back her head and completely gives herself over to it.

We are so thankful that God has blessed us with this precious daughter.

We love you, Katie, and we are so happy that we "gotcha!" :-)

(God) determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

February 2007

Cold and snowy days

Science experiments

Valentine's Day

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Everyone in our household is better, now. All the medicine has been taken. Katie still needs nebs, but not as many as before. We heard that our neighbors had the flu...oh, boy, I feel for them.

Katie and I had a fun mother-daughter teatime at a local tea room last week. She piled whipped cream, jam and lemon curd high on a scone and thoroughly enjoyed every bite. :-) It was fun to spend the afternoon with my girl. This special outing certainly made up for the
horrible, no good, very bad birthday
a couple weeks ago!

It has been cold, like an icebox, for what seems like forever now. It is hard to be motivated to do anything, except curl up under a down comforter. I hope there is a warm-up on the way soon!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Snow Day

It is snowing and blowing out there. The roads are slippery. We ventured out to take one of our cars in for repairs this morning. It normally takes about 5-7 minutes to get there. Today we inched along. Cars that had spun out were on the sides of the road. There was an accident on the highway nearby, which was the cause for all the backed-up traffic. Dave dropped the car off at the shop and hopped in the other car with the kids and I and we slowly crept back home. The whole trip took about an hour.

Now we are back home and we're not leaving again today! Dave's meeting downtown was canceled, so he will just be at the office, which is not far from home. I gave the kids some hot cocoa and made myself a cup of strong, hot coffee. We are hunkering down for a cozy day with lots of time for cuddling and reading stories together. From inside our home, the snowy day outside is beautiful. :-)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Happy Birthday?

Poor Katie! Two days before her seventh birthday she started coming down with something. We planned to celebrate on Saturday with a small family party, even though her actual birthday is today. Well, on Saturday she had a fever and a cough, although she still wanted to open presents and eat birthday cake! :-) (She also insisted on wearing the dress and crown she wore to her princess party last year.) We kept an eye on her, but went ahead with our celebration.

Today we saw the doctor, where Kate was subjected to a blood test and a swab HIGH up in both nostrils to test for the flu. That was awful. She has the flu and her asthma is acting up as well. Grant also has a fever and cough, so he is taking the same medication as Katie. He didn't have to go through the nasal swabbing, though, because they just assume since Katie has the flu, that is what he has, too.

After we left the doctor's office, we headed to the pharmacy where we spent $100 in co~pays for all the meds for both kids! What a day! As Katie said when we got home, "This is NOT a fun birthday!"