Outside my window big, fluffy snowflakes are swirling down...but I'm afraid it will not last. It has been cold, but we have only had a few snow flurries that haven't amounted to much. The other day when we saw a few flakes, Grant and Katie ran outside to shovel and play in the little bit that was on the ground. They even tried to sled down the little hill in our yard. It was kind of funny. You could still see the grass sticking up through the snow. :-) I guess we are all eager for snow!
We all went to a tree farm last week to cut down a Christmas tree. The kids ran around among the trees while Dave and I looked for the perfect tree, which in our case means tall and skinny with lots of spaces between the branches. We found just the right one, but when we got it home, we made a mistake while trimming it to fit in the house, and chopped the top off! Ha~ha! So much for the perfect tree...
This week we have our homeschool co-op. We are reading Snowflake Bentley in our Five In A Row class and will be making snowflake ornaments. There is a Christmas party afterward. The kids are excited. They love to see their friends at co-op.
So, that is what we have been up to while we wait for it to snow.