Every good and perfect gift is from above.
~James 1:17

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Busy days

Wow, it has almost been a week since I last posted! Things have been busy. They have also been difficult. Dave and I have been asking the Lord for guidance, but we still do not know exactly what He would have us do. We are trusting that He will make it clear in His time.

In the meantime, the busyness of life goes on. Katie is in dance class, Grant is in football and both kids are in AWANA. We also participate in a homeschool co-op twice a month. We try not to get involved in too many things, but still life can seem hectic at times! :-)

Overall, life is good. I enjoy the sunny fall days. Dave and I love each other. Our kids are healthy and happy and they keep us laughing. And God will lead us.

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials for we know that they are good for us~they help us learn to be patient.
Romans 5:3 (Living Bible

Friday, September 23, 2005


Well, I still haven't been able to get any help posting pictures. It is a busy time right now for most of the people I could ask for help, so I will try again in a week or so. :-)

Meanwhile, we are all busy around here, too! Today we have our homeschool co-op, which meets at our church. I am co-teaching a Five In A Row class for grades K-1. Both of my kids are in that class since Grant is in first grade and Kate is in Kindergarten. Today we are finishing up the book, How To Make An Apple Pie And See The World, and we are making apple pies! Each child will get to roll out their own dough and scoop the apple filling into their own individual pie. My kids are so excited for this, but they both are sick this morning and won't be able to go! :-( They are still in bed, but my husband and I heard them coughing away and made the decision for them to stay home this morning. Since Dave doesn't have a meeting he can watch them until I get back. So, in a few minutes I will have to tell them the sad new that they are staying home. I think I will go make them a yummy breakfast to help soften the blow!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I have been trying to post pictures here and to the right by my name, but I cannot seem to get it to work! :-( I will keep trying and maybe get someone to help me figure this out. Hopefully, pictures will be coming soon!

Sunday, September 18, 2005


Katie lost her first tooth today! She has been wiggling it around all week and today she thought it was finally ready to come out. It was! She is very proud of her toothless state, but I cannot believe my baby is big enough for this to be happening already! :-)

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Neighborhood fun

We have always wanted our kids to have friends in the neighborhood to play with. When I was a kid, I spent my days playing up and down the street with neighborhood kids of all ages. We built forts, played on our tire swing and played endless variations of freeze tag, (t.v. tag, cartoon tag, car tag, candy tag, etc.) Most of the time, everyone played at our house because we had a huge front yard with two big shade trees, which was the ideal spot for all those rounds of tag.

My kids have gotten to know a few of the kids on our street, but usually there are only a couple around at a time for them to play with. And I am not comfortable allowing my kids the same freedom to run loose in the neighborhood that I had as a kid. But, today, things changed.

There just happened to be several kids who spend some weekends with one parent here outside today, along with my kids, and pretty soon some kids from the street behind us had joined them. They ran around mostly in our yard and then my daughter and a couple of girls came in and played house for awhile. Then they all ran outside again to chase each other around the house or swing on the swingset.

Dave and I actually sat and had a cup of tea and were able to talk for a couple of hours! We could see everyone from the living room window. It finally was happenning and it was glorious! :-) After awhile the parents of two little girls came over to check on their kids and we got to visit with them a bit. It is nice to get to know the neighbors and we hope our kids will have many fun times ahead playing with the neighborhood kids! What a great day! :-)

Friday, September 16, 2005

Welcome to this good day!

Thanks for checking in with me on this good day that God has made. I hope to use this space to share the ups and downs of many good days ahead. I am new at this and not very techno~savvy, so we'll see how it goes! :-)